From medical doctor to EHS: a career-defining journey of curiosity, empathy, and resilience | Pixaera
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Mar 21, 2024
Dr Ralf Franke

From medical doctor to EHS: a career-defining journey of curiosity, empathy, and resilience

This week, we get to listen to a rich conversation with Dr. Ralf Franke, a leader in environmental protection, health management, and safety with a very unique background.

Starting as a medical doctor to his pivotal role at Siemens, Dr Ralf Franke emphasised the integration of environmental protection, health management, and safety, and the impact on empowering people beyond the obvious safety measures and really fostering a culture where mental, physical wellbeing, prevention, and an all-encompassing caring package can lead to not only creating safe workplaces but efficient organisations.

I developed, I always call it, a submarine strateqy.
Go into a submarine, dive down under the radar of management and continue to develop solutions.

He discusses the significance of empathy in leadership and leveraging his unique background as a medical professional to foster understanding, compassion, and leadership skills.

He also highlights the need for management involvement and responsibility, a local approach to environmental and people protection, and the impact on product development and business performance.

Through personal stories and experience, Dr Franke shares his vision of risk assessment and incident investigation, the need to rid of bias, and the psychological impact of serious incidents in the workplace.

Finally, he leaves us with some sound advice around the importance of remaining curious, resilient, and embracing new technological advancements like artificial intelligence for enhanced people management.

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